Killing the crocodiles in the swamp

Matúš Dúbrava
5 min readDec 13, 2020


So the people after me they walk more freely , but I still left few crocos there so they learn.

As you can probably see, I like to talk in metaphors. There are many people that tell me I say metaphors so strangely good they are surprised it fits the situation so much. Why we do metaphors? We are too zoomed into issue, want to say something lot quicker, or when we can’t say something in exact manner.

Transfer. And you know most of the time we need to be transferred. So we have overview, so we update and change for the better. I can honestly say without metaphors we can’t even explain basic stuff. Why? Are we too literal or are we too wise in our own eyes to even accept that?

Why is the truth bigger entity than individual thing? Why we always get back to being so metaphorical or literal and get lost with our expressions of how we see truth. WE SEE. (you heard it, “we see” said with WHOA IT’S HOW I SEE IT ! style focused on your own…, like nobody can say sh** to me cause this is how I see)

It’s a thing where we formed some sort of statics around dynamics, and we pretty much can’t imagine our part of truth is part of lot bigger picture. There comes external extremities that can only align you with it. Depends on many factors, but as an acting agent, many times for people that are willing to learn, these “eye” opening moments come through metaphors.

Extremities needs you to think differently

“Reframing of your view” -> But let me get it straight it belongs here.

This is what metaphor means for me. Or at least that’s how I use it many times, either for just: did I get it right? You can see how easy is for you to explain something, or understand something just by being able to talk about it. Especially in many ways and angles. Zoom out or zoom in take in different context different naming, more like reframing.

How hard is that to talk about something that is just pure fact?


How do you go somewhere else while being at the same place.

So how come most of the time I see metaphors being used for fun, or only when needed too much and people are not often relaxed with accepting it or even giving it.

Strategies on using metaphors are deeply rooted in how we treat ourselves and how we treat others. How come literal type of personality only uses literal meanings, and never uses metaphors? How come person that takes everything with a lot of fun uses metaphors where he should say literal stuff?

Being abstract about yourself doesn’t mean you use metaphors also.

In my case, I love to be free to use anything above. Literal or abstract, thus need to be open to use metaphors and switch back to literal and so on. Why is that so hard for us? Switch context, don’t take your side too seriously and stuff like this? I am saying this because this is the boom pow energy state that provoke my whole being to explore beyond. It starts up people I speak with and I can sense freedom flowing, I can sense that the actual state is based on how you take it how you touch it. Not about how you really hold it…

How come scientist when they do the biggest explorations, let’s say in last century, they put out words like this: “I am pretty proud on this research, it has brought us a thing we didn’t know for thousand years. But we still know less than we don’t know”

What I love about this approach is not only this is true, but they’re willing to accept they can be wrong about what they believed for centuries. That’s why their mind can run freely and explore. Be a scientist.

Artists can say deep and hardest stuff with such ease

Also be an artist. Change everything you painted with next brush on the canvas. Be your own metaphor to really learn and also teach others about your freedom. It’s probable that you want to still be just free from your own ass thinking like, why it’s so easy for others to be taking everything less seriously but still be freaking on point.

That goes and goes and goes in circles of literal metaphors, your life is scientific adventure with ton of art in it. Where today can be like 1+1 equals 2, and in the evening you think to yourself let me paint in 10–8 equals 2 because I am interested in number 2. And who give a f** about why you feel like that when you want to point something else than ordinary, something else than just regular structure and “normal”.

Let’s go back to crocodiles.

Do I keep them in place for you? Yea I do, if you’re not hungry you won’t eat. If you’re not moving from your shack in the swamp, you won’t meet them.

You probably don’t kill a croco if you don’t kill the croco. Oh I killed the crocodile, said the person that’s never been out. You trust him cause it must be true, he lives in the swamp. He is in the swamp, soooo scary place ya know? So scary. He must have killed 20 of them just by last monday.

I’ll leave you with this, think outside of outside but stay inside of inside. What the heck I am even talking? You can take a look at artist’s stuff and see like 22 meanings, if you are literal you may see like -5 meanings and double down with your “understanding”, but what do you stand under? Under stand something…

Ble33mya$$ yours too, sincerely Matoosh.



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