Sheep in the wolf’s skin

Matúš Dúbrava
3 min readDec 26, 2020

Yea yea, what??!

We all heard about wolf in the sheep’s skin.

But have you seen sheep in the wolve’s skin? I mean literally look around you.

You may see a lot of toughness, lot of stories, a lot of a lot of stuff. We walk daily around things we have no clue that’s totally something else. Once we find out there was something else going on, we call it getting “WOKE”. You literally can’t look at things the same way after it.

Literally speaking, we mainly know and focus on the first ones ”wolf in the sheep’s skin” a lot more, because we hate how fraudulent people are, due to our bad experiences with them.

Can we say this the same way about people that inflict others with something good? Like they portray something bad(or neutral), but kind of people can feel something else from them all the way?

One example of this would be: sheep that will look like a wolf and kill each wolf one by one because wolves were killing the flock of the sheep.

Literally when you look around with the “naive” eyes, you can’t tell a difference between sheep in the wolve’s skin, wolf in the sheep’s skin and just the regular sheep and wolf. Mainly when they’re in the group together.

If you are a legend, you don’t freaking see the outer layer as the one defining what’s inside. You must be in 21st century if you do. Check your heart.

I mean there’s a dilemma, for what’s socially acceptable. Kinda want to say F**K it . I didn’t say it but you probably did because I put it like 4 letters in one word beginning with “f” ending with “k”. But what I really meant was that I like stars especially between those two letters.

I hope this part above annoyed you. If not you might think you know what I meant more than I did. I am cool with it, am I ?

What is the purpose of infiltration?

Trojan horse, snitches in mafia wearing devices, undercover boss helping his company.

Whatever this shit is, it’s strong as hell and we must find a fundamental way of dealing with our lives where anything can be anything and everything can also be nothing.

Wake up call really is, bless the both sides of the equation, but make it really count. Otherwise you don’t know simple math and probably suck in life just because of it.

